Art Gallery 2019
It happened! The yearly art gallery came! I was able to put everything up with no major setback and, if I may say so myself, everything looked great! The printed pieces all together create a really cool texture on the wall and students LOVED finding their work or one that they really loved.
The animal prints were the work of the 5 year old students.
I put the butterflies and fish on the same wall. The fish were done by the 6 year old students and the butterflies were done by the 7 year old students.
This scallop pattern wall was done by everyone at my school. I had to chose a project that was easy enough for the youngest students to complete but also challenging enough that the oldest students would get bored and finish the project in 20 minutes or less. This printed project worked out perfectly. Individually, the pieces didn't look that great, but all together, they created a really cool collaborative art piece.
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